Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions
1. My daughter is five years old. Will she be able to attend children's Quran Hifz classes?
We cater for the needs of our community and enrol children as young as 4 years old.
2. I have posted a complaint/comment, but it doesn’t appear on the website. Why? When my complaint will be posted?
We have classes everyday. For more information please contact us on 05564887387.
3. I want to enroll my son for Alim courses. Do you provide text books?
We only give the list of text books you will have to buy. You will need to buy them before the course starts.
4. What happens if a child is ill and wasn't able to attend couple of lessons? Do you make up for missed classes?
Yes the teacher who is responsible for the classes will give your child all the nessesary inrofmation which has been missed and guide throu the homework InshaAllah.
5. How many children are allowed in each group?
There are 10 children in each group. We try to keep the groups small so that each child gets most attention of the teacher.